Implementing a CountDownLatch (async and dirty)

Yo dawg, I heard you liked concurrency primitives. Let’s implement our own asynchronous, dirty CountDownLatch.
Just to be clear, what we are implementing here is probably not production ready (please do some testing first, as I didn’t 😅). Also this is not functional programming, and it’s not using Monix or Cats-Effect, or any other libraries that might have helped. This is implemented using just the standard library.
Also, you might want the classic java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
, which is pretty awesome, and it might be exactly what you need, although this one is useful too.
Why implement one? Because we can 💪
- Watch the YouTube video for full explanations
- Checkout the following code for digesting it at your own pace
- See the usage examples at the end
The Code #
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, RejectedExecutionException}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise, TimeoutException}
final class AsyncCountDownLatch(count: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
extends AutoCloseable {
// Shared mutable state, managed by my favorite
// synchronization primitive
private[this] val state = new AtomicReference(State(count, Set.empty))
private final case class State(
count: Int,
tasks: Set[Promise[Unit]]
* INTERNAL — scheduler for managing timeouts, must be destroyed
* internally too. Note that this isn't the only possible design,
* we could of course take this as a parameter in the class's
* constructor, or use a globally shared one 🤷
* One cool alternative is to use Monix's `Scheduler` instead of
* `ExecutionContext` (`monix.execution.Scheduler`).
private[this] val scheduler =
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor((r: Runnable) => {
val th = new Thread(r)
* INTERNAL — Given a `Promise`, install a timeout for it.
private def installTimeout(p: Promise[Unit], timeout: FiniteDuration): Unit = {
// Removing the promise from our internal `state` is necessary to avoid leaks.
@tailrec def removePromise(): Unit =
state.get() match {
case current @ State(_, tasks) =>
val update = current.copy(tasks = tasks - p)
if (!state.compareAndSet(current, update))
case null =>
() // countDown reached zero
// Keeping this as a value in order to avoid duplicate work
val ex = new TimeoutException(
val timeoutTask: Runnable = () => {
// Timeout won, get rid of promise from our state
try {
// Finally, installing our timeout, w00t!
val cancelToken = scheduler.schedule(
// Canceling our timeout task, if primary completes first
p.future.onComplete { r =>
// Avoiding duplicate work
if (r.fold(_ != ex, _ => true))
} catch {
case _: RejectedExecutionException =>
// This exception can happen due to a race condition:
// When countDown() reaches zero, the scheduler is being
// shut down, however while that happens we may be in
// the process of installing a timeout — but this is no
// longer necessary, since the promise will be completed;
// NOTE — for extra-safety, we might want to check the
// promise's state, to ensure that it is complete, and
// a happens-before relationship probably exists (TBD)
override def close(): Unit = {
state.lazySet(null) // GC purposes
* Decrements the count of the latch, releasing all waiting
* consumers if the count reaches zero.
* If the current count is already zero, then nothing happens.
@tailrec def countDown(): Unit =
state.get() match {
case current @ State(count, tasks) if count > 0 =>
val update = State(count - 1, tasks)
if (!state.compareAndSet(current, update))
countDown() // retry
else if (update.count == 0) {
// Deferring execution to another thread, as it might
// be expensive (TBD if this is a good idea or not)
ec.execute(() => {
for (r <- tasks) r.trySuccess(())
// Releasing resources
case _ =>
* Causes the consumer to wait until the latch has counted down
* to zero, or the specified waiting time elapses.
* If the timeout gets triggered, then the returned `Future`
* will complete with a `TimeoutException`.
@tailrec def await(timeout: Duration): Future[Unit] =
state.get() match {
case current @ State(count, tasks) if count > 0 =>
val p = Promise[Unit]()
val update = State(count, tasks + p)
timeout match {
case d: FiniteDuration => installTimeout(p, d)
case _ => ()
if (!state.compareAndSet(current, update))
await(timeout) // retry
case _ =>
Usage sample of the classic java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
that we’re trying to mimic:
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
val threadCount = 4
val iterations = 10000
var results = Map.empty[Int, Int]
for (_ <- 0 until iterations) {
val consumersStarted = new CountDownLatch(threadCount)
val mainThreadProceed = new CountDownLatch(1)
val consumersFinished = new CountDownLatch(threadCount)
var sharedState = 0
for (_ <- 0 until threadCount)
global.execute(() => {
sharedState += 1
results = results.updated(sharedState, results.getOrElse(sharedState, 0) + 1)
println("Done ... ")
Usage sample of our AsyncCountDownLatch
, again, testing faulty concurrent update:
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, TimeoutException}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val threadCount = 4
val iterations = 100000
var results = Map.empty[Int, Int]
for (_ <- 0 until iterations) {
val consumersStarted = new AsyncCountDownLatch(threadCount)
val mainThreadProceed = new AsyncCountDownLatch(1)
val consumersFinished = new AsyncCountDownLatch(threadCount)
var sharedState = 0
for (_ <- 0 until threadCount) {
for {
_ <- Future.unit
_ = consumersStarted.countDown()
_ <- mainThreadProceed.await(Duration.Inf)
} yield {
sharedState += 1
val await = for {
_ <- consumersStarted.await(Duration.Inf)
_ = mainThreadProceed.countDown()
_ <- consumersFinished.await(1.millis)
} yield {
results = results.updated(sharedState, results.getOrElse(sharedState, 0) + 1)
Await.result(await, Duration.Inf)
println("Done ... ")