Snippet: Tagless Final vs OOP

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These may as well be interview questions for Scala developers:

  1. Which signature do you prefer?
  2. Just looking at the signature, what can potentially be wrong with the “tagless final” version?
  3. Also discuss the 2 type-class approaches, what are the potential design problems there?
// -----------------
// Tagless final
def registerUser[F[_]: UserDB: EmailService: Monad](user: User): F[Unit]

// -----------------
// ReaderT (Kleisli) & OOP
def registerUser[F[_]: Monad](
  user: User): Kleisli[F, (UserDB[F], EmailService[F]), Unit]

// -----------------
// Plain function parameters & OOP
def registerUser[F[_]: Monad](
  db: UserDB[F], 
  es: EmailService[F],
  user: User): F[Unit]

// -----------------
// OOP class
final class RegistrationService[F[_]: Monad](
  db: UserDB[F], 
  es: EmailService[F]) {

  def registerUser(user: User): F[Unit]

// -----------------
// OOP interface
trait RegistrationService[F[_]] {
  def registerUser(user: User): F[Unit]

object RegistrationService {
  def apply[F[_]: Monad](
    db: UserDB[F], 
    es: EmailService[F]): RegistrationService[F] = ???

// -----------------
// Type Class (1) — two type params
trait RegistrationService[F[_], Env] {
  def registerUser(env: Env, user: User): F[Unit]

object RegistrationService {
  implicit def instance[F[_]: Monad]
    : RegistrationService[F, (UserDB[F], EmailService[F])] = ???

// -----------------
// Type Class (2) — single type param
trait RegistrationService[Env[_[_]]] {
  def registerUser[F[_]: Monad](env: Env[F], user: User): F[Unit]

object RegistrationService {
  type Env[F[_]] = (UserDB[F], EmailService[F])
  implicit val instance: RegistrationService[Env] = ???
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Tags: FP | OOP | Scala | Snippet