Async Queue in TypeScript
type Callback<A> = (a: A) => void;
* Delays stuff for ensuring fairness.
export function yieldRunLoop(): Promise<void> {
const fn: (cb: (() => void)) => void = typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined'
? setImmediate
: cb => setTimeout(cb, 0)
return new Promise(fn)
* Async queue implementation
export class Queue<A> {
private readonly elements: A[] = []
private readonly callbacks: ([Callback<A>, Callback<Error>])[] = []
enqueue = async (a: A) => {
const cbs = this.callbacks.shift()
if (cbs) {
// fairness + guards against stack overflows
await yieldRunLoop()
const [resolve, _] = cbs
} else {
dequeue = async () => {
if (this.elements.length > 0) {
return this.elements.shift() as A
} else {
let cb: [Callback<A>, Callback<any>] | undefined
const p = new Promise<A>((resolve, reject) => { cb = [resolve, reject] })
if (!cb) throw new Error("Promise constructor")
return await p
rejectAllActive = (e: Error) => {
while (this.callbacks.length > 0) {
const cbs = this.callbacks.pop()
if (!cbs) continue
const [_, reject] = cbs
* Consumer implementation.
* @param workers specifies the number of workers to start in parallel
* @param blockProcessFromExiting if `true` then blocks the Nodejs process from exiting
* @returns a `[promise, cancel]` tuple, where `cancel` is a function that can be used
* to stop all processing and `promise` can be awaited for the completion of
* all workers, workers that complete on cancellation
export function consumeQueue<A>(queue: Queue<A>, workers: number, blockProcessFromExiting: boolean = false) {
const Cancel = new Error("queue-cancel-all")
const startWorker =
async (isActive: boolean[], process: (a: A) => Promise<void>) => {
await yieldRunLoop()
try {
while (isActive.length > 0 && isActive[0]) {
const a = await queue.dequeue()
try {
await process(a)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error while processing queue message:", a, e)
// Fairness + protection against stack-overflow
await yieldRunLoop()
} catch (e) {
if (e != Cancel) throw e
// For keeping the process alive, for as long as there is a run-loop active
function startTick() {
let tickID: Object
function tick() { tickID = setTimeout(tick, 1000) }
return () => clearTimeout(tickID as any)
return (process: (a: A) => Promise<void>) => {
const isActive = [true]
const cancelTick = blockProcessFromExiting ? startTick() : () => {}
const cancel = () => {
isActive[0] = false
const tasks: Promise<void>[] = []
for (let i=0; i<workers; i++) {
tasks.push(startWorker(isActive, process))
const all = Promise.all(tasks).then(_ => undefined as void)
return [all, cancel] as [Promise<void>, () => void]
And usage:
async function main() {
const queue = new Queue<string>()
const [promise, cancel] = consumeQueue(queue, 3, true)(
async msg => {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await queue.enqueue("Hello")
await queue.enqueue("World!")
// Requires `blockProcessFromExiting` to be `true`
await promise
| Written by Alexandru Nedelcu