Links Tag: Scala
Alexandru Nedelcu - My Scala Story
by Alexandru Nedelcu @
by Alexandru Nedelcu @
Writing a GitHub Action with Scala.js
by Antonio Gelameris
by Antonio Gelameris
Cats Effect 3.0.0
by Typelevel Contributors
by Typelevel Contributors
OOP vs Type Classes (Slides, PDF)
by Alexandru Nedelcu
by Alexandru Nedelcu
Explicit term inference with Scala 3
by Meriam Lachkar, Vincenzo Bazzucchi, Scala Center
by Meriam Lachkar, Vincenzo Bazzucchi, Scala Center
BSP Support in sbt 1.4
by Scala Center
by Scala Center
Countdown to Scala 3
by Martin Odersky
by Martin Odersky