Java's Cultural Problem

Java is good by modern standards, from a technical perspective, the platform having received a lot of improvements from Java 8 to 17. Unfortunately, it still stinks, and the problem is its "enterprise" culture.
Let me illustrate the problem via examples …
Quarkus is a very promising framework, being a lightweight replacement for Spring, promising compatibility with GraalVM’s Native Image. Full of hope, I enthusiastically opened its documentation, and started with how to configure an app, expecting something with common sense, like Dropwizard’s quick-start guide.
Quarkus depends on SmallRye Config. And if you want to map your configuration to objects, the documentation has this to say:
@ConfigMapping(prefix = "server")
interface ServerConfig {
String host();
int port();
In Java’s world, interfaces and abstract classes get used by dependency injection libraries, with methods left abstract in order for their implementation to be filled-in later. Any FP developer should scream when seeing this, because:
- This should be a pure data structure;
- These abstract methods signal the possibility of side effects — in general, it is the possibility of side effects that drives the demand for abstract methods, as pure data structures rarely need it;
Do you know what the library does in this instance? I sure don’t. It could be reading from a file and block a thread on every access, it could be thread unsafe, I wouldn’t know, since whatever it does is magic™️, and this isn’t my data structure. Even if it generates a pure data structure, for all I know its implementation can always change in future versions to also launch rockets to Mars.
Since Java 14 we have records. The more common-sense definition doesn’t work, the library being (currently) unable to work with it:
// java.lang.IllegalStateException: SRCFG00043:
// The @ConfigMapping annotation can only be placed in interfaces...
@ConfigMapping(prefix = "server")
final record ServerConfig(
String host,
int port,
) {}
UPDATE: to drive this point home, let me make it clear that I don’t care from where the configuration is being read (the actual I/O side effect), but rather what happens afterwards. This configuration has an implicit usage protocol that isn’t properly expressed by an abstract interface:
- The
values should be read from the same configuration source; - These values shouldn’t change during the application’s lifecycle, otherwise the interface should provide the ability to register a listener;
- There’s no point in doing the side effect more than once, at the application’s start;
In other words, this is not just bad FP design, this is bad OOP design. A better abstract interface would be this, which makes the behavior crystal clear:
interface ServerConfigReader {
ServerConfig read() throws IOException;
Dropwizard has a more common-sense approach, as it leaves you in charge of defining a type safe configuration object. But it, too, was infected by the Java EE culture (aka Jakarta EE), preferring Bean Validation via annotations, with the help of hibernate-validator.
public record ServerConfig(
@NotNull @NotEmpty
String host,
Integer port,
@NotNull @Email
String contact
) {}
I understand the @NotNull
annotation. Java has null
in it, all object references can be null
, and it’s too late for that to change. What’s odd is that contact
should always be an email address, no matter the context. Not even if you consider this “raw input”, because actual “raw input” is a plain string or an array of bytes, and if you ever reach this stage of having a structured record
, then you should already have an email address.
Java’s culture eschews common sense approaches, like defining new types. Defining new types would make illegal states unrepresentable. Note how, with the following definition, there is no way to get an EmailAddress
that doesn’t pass the “validation”, and you don’t need a freaking annotations-driven library to validate your values:
import java.util.Objects;
public record EmailAddress(String value) {
public EmailAddress {
// We could've used an Either data type, ofc;
// regexp could be better
if (!value.matches("^[^@\\s]+@\\S+$"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("'%s' is not a valid email address", value));
Back to Quarkus, usage of a DI container is required (via CDI annotations), and it’s not easy to keep the Java EE crap out of your classes. Reading their documentation, by default you’d end up with something like this:
@ConfigMapping(prefix = "greetings")
public interface GreetingServiceConfig {
String name();
// Not a final class
public class GreetingService {
// Abstract, and it cannot be private 😱
GreetingServiceConfig config;
public String greeting() {
return "Hello, " + name + "!";
// @PreDestroy is required for "closeable" resources;
// I would have expected the framework to work with AutoCloseable,
// but ALAS it doesn't;
public void close() {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass).info("Destroying GreetingService!");
In the sample above, adding a scope (e.g., @RequestScoped
) makes the framework automatically initialize this “bean” when needed. And @PreDestroy
marks methods that have to be called when the “bean” is disposed. Note that my “bean” should implement Closeable
, but the framework completely ignores it, this being another instance in which a Java EE implementation ignores the Java language. You need that @PreDestroy
, or otherwise you’ll have a leak.
Of note is how this approach will infect your entire codebase, forcing all your downstream users to forgo Java language constructs, such as easily building an instance with new
, or safe disposal of resources via try-with-resources.
With this approach, not working with final
classes jumps at me, because “final” is a best practice. This isn’t related to Quarkus in any way, but rather with DI containers in general. For instance, Kotlin’s classes are final by default, yet if you want to build Spring apps, the recommended way would be to import the kotling-spring plugin, which automatically “opens” your classes that have certain DI-related annotations. Whether you agree with “final by default” as a best practice or not, you’re getting a bad deal if the framework makes that choice for you.
Quarkus ships with a CDI 2.0 implementation, like Spring before it, although its implementation isn’t fully compliant, since all those annotations and runtime behavior can’t be fully supported on top of GraalVM’s Native Image. It’s odd seeing such a framework forcing the use of Java EE’s CDI.
Quarkus makes it hard to have a common-sense composition root. Thankfully, I discovered how, via trial and error, meaning half-baked Stack Overflow answers and using the right keywords to appease the search gods. One of these days I’ll find out what the heck is a “bean”.
// ------------------------------------------------
// No Java EE crap
public record GreetingServiceConfig(String name) {}
// ------------------------------------------------
// No Java EE crap
public final class GreetingService implements Closeable {
private final GreetingServiceConfig config;
public GreetingService(GreetingServiceConfig cfg) {
this.config = cfg;
public String greeting() {
return "Hello, " + + "!";
public void close() {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).info("Destroying GreetingService!");
// ------------------------------------------------
// Implements the "composition root" pattern...
// All of these imports are already a code smell, but at
// least it's localized, and does help with managing DI.
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Disposes;
public class AppConfiguration {
public GreetingServiceConfig gsConfig() {
return new GreetingServiceConfig(
ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("", String.class)
public GreetingService greetingService(GreetingServiceConfig config) {
return new GreetingService(config);
// Closeable resource needs to be destroyed, and
// framework won't do it automatically;
void disposesGreetingService(@Disposes GreetingService ref) {
This way you can limit the impact of Java EE on your codebase. But it does need restraint, and you still have to learn a domain-specific language that has few things in common with Java, the language.
Newcomers to Java have to deal with this nonsense, and it’s a pity given that Java 17 is a decent language and awesome platform. Java’s ecosystem still hasn’t learned enough from its competition, but hope never dies.