Running integration tests, with Scala + sbt

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For separating integration tests, from unit tests, in build.sbt:

// sbt command-line shortcut
addCommandAlias("ci-integration", "Integration/testOnly -- -n integrationTest")

lazy val IntegrationTest = config("integration").extend(Test)

lazy val root = Project(base = file("."))
    // Exclude integration tests by default (in ScalaTest)
    Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-l", "integrationTest"),
    // Include integration tests, by nullifying the above option
    IntegrationTest / testOptions := Seq.empty,
    // Enable integration tests

Then in your tests:

import org.scalatest.Tag
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite

object IntegrationTest extends Tag("integrationTest")

class MyTestSuite extends AsyncFunSuite {
  // Tagging this test as an integration test
  test("integration works", IntegrationTest) {

Then run:

sbt ci-integration
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Tags: sbt | Scala | Testing | Snippet