Automatic Releases to Maven Central with Travis and SBT

| 9 minutes | Comments

Builds and deployments of new versions and snapshots is a pain. This article is an explanation to how I automated this process for, an open source Scala library that’s making use of SBT as the build tool and as the continuous integration.

What this setup does is to trigger a publish script that automatically deploys packages on Maven Central:

  1. whenever you tag a release by pushing a version tag in Git, like v1.10.0
  2. whenever you push into the snapshot branch, the result being hashed versions, e.g. 1.10.0-36fa3d3, where the hash appended as a suffix is the Git commit hash; these hashed versions are like snapshot releases, but better because people can rely on them to remain in Maven Central and thus less volatile

After you read this article, you can use the setup of these projects for inspiration:

WARNING: with this process you’ll have to trust with your PGP private key for signing the published binaries. If that’s an acceptable risk or not, that’s up to you. See below.

Generating a PGP Key Pair #

For deployments to Sonatype / Maven Central the built packages need to be signed. If you don’t have an existing PGP key, one can be easily generated.

WARNING: do not give out your personal PGP private key that you use to sign emails or for online transactions. Generate a special PGP key pair just for your project.

I’m currently using a MacOS machine, so for managing PGP keys I’m using the open source GPG Suite, coming with a nice GUI interface.

As far as I know GPG comes installed by default on all major Linux operating systems and for Windows checkout this download page on

With the GPG command line tools installed you can generate a PGP key pair like this:

$ gpg --gen-key


  • accept the default RSA for the kind of key
  • enter the desired key size, the bigger the better, so enter 4096
  • for expiration, I preferred a key that doesn’t expire, although this might not be wise
  • for an email address, enter a valid one
  • I recommend encrypting your private key with a generous passphrase that you then store in 1Password / LastPass ;-)

To get the ID of the newly generated key you can do:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

To export this newly generated key, assuming that 2673B174C4071B0E is the key ID, you’ll need both the public key and the private one, but they can be dumped in the same file:

gpg -a --export 2673B174C4071B0E > my-key.asc
gpg -a --export-secret-keys 2673B174C4071B0E >> my-key.asc

I also keep these in 1Password btw.

To configure SBT to sign your packages with a key living in the project’s repository you’ll need a PGP key ring. Such a key ring is basically a database of multiple PGP keys. You need to have one to keep in the repository of your project. Normally these keys are kept in:

  • $HOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg for the public keys
  • $HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg for the private keys

In the $PROJECT root we need a custom key ring containing just the key we need, like this:

  • $PROJECT/project/.gnupg/pubring.gpg for the public keys
  • $PROJECT/project/.gnupg/secring.gpg for the private keys

These files are going to be encrypted, to provide minimal protection. To generate this ring in your project, go to you’re project’s root directory and then:

gpg --no-default-keyring \
  --primary-keyring `pwd`/project/.gnupg/pubring.gpg \
  --secret-keyring `pwd`/project/.gnupg/secring.gpg \
  --keyring `pwd`/project/.gnupg/pubring.gpg \
  --fingerprint \
  --import path/to/my-key.asc

The my-key.asc file is the one that you’ve created in the previous step.

After you create these files, make sure to delete any junk from $PROJECT/project/.gnupg, so verify the newly created files with git status.

NOTE: check the newly created files, because the gpg command line tools might generate junk. We only want those 2 files (pubring.gpg and secring.gpg), so check your project directory with git status and delete anything extra.

Configuring SBT #

Curently in I’m using the following plugins:

  • sbt-pgp for signing packages with PGP
  • sbt-git for making use of Git from SBT, relevant here if you want to do Git-enabled version hashes
  • sbt-sonatype for automatically publishing artifacts to Maven Central

For PGP the configuration is as follows:

useGpg := false
pgpPublicRing := baseDirectory.value / "project" / ".gnupg" / "pubring.gpg"
pgpSecretRing := baseDirectory.value / "project" / ".gnupg" / "secring.gpg"
pgpPassphrase := sys.env.get("PGP_PASS").map(_.toArray)


  • useGpg := false says that we do not want to use the GPG tools installed on your computer, but rather the implementation that sbt-pgp ships with; in my experience this is a must, otherwise depending on the GPG tools you have, you won’t be able to make it use a different pgp ring
  • usePgpKeyHex forces a certain key to be used for signing by specifying its key
  • pgpPublicRing and pgpPublicRing specify the path to a GPG ring that contains the key you want, instead of the default one which is usually $HOME/.gnupg/pubring.gpg and $HOME/.gnupg/secring.gpg
  • pgpPassphrase is a GPG passphrase for the used key, that’s taken from the env variable named PGP_PASS; Travis has the ability to set such env variables to be available in your build

For publishing to Sonatype, we’ll need these settings:

sonatypeProfileName := organization.value

credentials += Credentials(
  "Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
  sys.env.getOrElse("SONATYPE_USER", ""),
  sys.env.getOrElse("SONATYPE_PASS", "")

isSnapshot := version.value endsWith "SNAPSHOT"

publishTo := Some(
  if (isSnapshot.value)

In addition to these options, for Sonatype we also need the required artifact info (e.g. license, homepage, authors). Here’s what I have for Shade, adjust accordingly:

licenses := Seq("MIT" -> url(""))
homepage := Some(url(""))

scmInfo := Some(

developers := List(
    name="Alexandru Nedelcu",

TIP, to find out the ID of a license type, see this cool list:

You’ll need those two environment variables set in Travis’s settings, more details below.

And then to enable Git versioning for snapshots (e.g. 3.0.0-9d94d3d) you can do:


/* The BaseVersion setting represents the in-development (upcoming) version,
 * as an alternative to SNAPSHOTS.
git.baseVersion := "3.0.0"

val ReleaseTag = """^v([\d\.]+)$""".r
git.gitTagToVersionNumber := {
  case ReleaseTag(v) => Some(v)
  case _ => None

git.formattedShaVersion := {
  val suffix = git.makeUncommittedSignifierSuffix(git.gitUncommittedChanges.value, git.uncommittedSignifier.value)

  git.gitHeadCommit.value map { _.substring(0, 7) } map { sha =>
    git.baseVersion.value + "-" + sha + suffix

Now test your setup with this command:

$ PGP_PASS="xxxxxx" sbt publishLocalSigned

Replace xxxxxx with your passphrase. If this command works, then we are good thus far.

Configuring Travis #

In build.sbt I configured these 2 commands:

addCommandAlias("ci-all",  ";+clean ;+compile ;+test ;+package")
addCommandAlias("release", ";+publishSigned ;sonatypeReleaseAll")

Then the .travis.yml file has something like this:

language: scala
sudo: required
dist: trusty
group: edge

    - jdk: oraclejdk8
      scala: 2.12.3
      env: COMMAND=ci-all PUBLISH=true


  - ./project/publish

And then the project/publish script, which I’ve built with Ruby (since I don’t know Bash well :)):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

def exec(cmd)
  abort("Error encountered, aborting") unless system(cmd)

puts "CI=#{ENV['CI']}"

unless ENV['CI'] == 'true'
  abort("ERROR: Not running on top of Travis, aborting!")

unless ENV['PUBLISH'] == 'true'
  puts "Publish is disabled"

version = nil

unless branch =~ /^v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/ ||
  (branch == "snapshot" && ENV['TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'] == 'false')

  puts "Only triggering deployment on the `snapshot` branch, or for version tags " +
       "and not for pull requests or other branches, exiting!"
  exit 0
  version = $1
  puts "Version branch detected: #{version}" if version

# Forcing a change to the root directory, if not there already
Dir.chdir(File.absolute_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")))

# Go, go, go
exec("sbt release")

Give execution permissions to this script:

$ chmod +x ./project/publish

Remember to push your changes:

$ git add .
$ git commit -am 'Build changes for automatic releases'
$ git push

Setting environment variables #

As a final step we need to set the following environment variables in Travis:

  • PGP_PASS: the passphrase we used to encrypt our private PGP key
  • SONATYPE_USER: a user to login to Sonatype, used by SBT to publish and deploy releases on Sonatype
  • SONATYPE_PASS: a password to login to Sonatype, used by SBT to publish and deploy releases on Sonatype

See the article on adding environment variables to Travis.

NOTE: to get a SONATYPE_USER and a SONATYPE_PASS go to the User Profile on Sonatype page and access the “User Token”, or generate a new one.

Here’s a screenshot of how my setup currently looks like:

Alternative Env with Travis Encryption #

As an alternative to setting those environment variables in Travis’s UI, you can use Travis’s mechanism for encrypting stuff to set these values in .travis.yml. See the Encryption Keys document.

First install the travis command line tool:

$ gem install travis

And then do the following, replacing xxxxx with your key:

$ travis encrypt 'PGP_PASS=xxxxx' --add

$ travis encrypt 'SONATYPE_USER=xxxxx' --add

$ travis encrypt 'SONATYPE_PASS=xxxxx' --add

NOTE: if your env values have special chars, they might need to be escaped for Bash to not trigger any errors. See document above.

These commands will modify your .travis.yml file, adding a section that resembles the following:

  - secure: GRdfKNrJn/zqjaDWE+16HCfuCSf/wsDpL...
  - secure: SPSIblLKFVns7pVY1x3SEs4/16htY5HUz...
  - secure: YVx2BSSsqF7LdYTwinf6o8nqJiYL9FeFA...

Now this can be committed in your repository and Travis will take care of decrypting those values.

Publishing #

For publishing hashed snapshot versions, we need a snapshot branch, as that’s what the script above looks for.

So create this branch by forking master and pushing it, like so:

$ git checkout master

$ git checkout -b snapshot
$ git push --set-upstream origin snapshot

If everything goes well, we should have a new hashed version published, but watch the output of Travis for any problems.

Extra Resources #

I’ve written this document while preparing the Shade project for automatic deployments. So here’s for inspiration:

In Closing #

So that’s about it. Pretty painful if you ask me, but hopefully we don’t have to do this too often.

I’ve written this article for myself actually, because I keep forgetting what I did the first time.

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Tags: sbt | Scala