Docs & Articles #
- Use Vim macros to automate frequent tasks
- Configuring .ideavimrc (archive)
- Everyone Who Tried to Convince Me to use Vim was Wrong (archive)
- Seven habits of effective text editing (archive)
- Vim - precision editing at the speed of thought ( video)
- Vim Adventures (game)
- Vim content by Alvin Alexander (archive)
- Vim Tips for the Intermediate Vim User (archive)
- VimGolf (archive)
Setup #
Installing the Python provider #
Some plugins require the Python provider to be available. This can be checked with the following vim command:
:checkhealth provider
This requires the pynvim Python package.
It’s best if the setup uses virtualenv
. On macOS prefer to use pyenv
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
This needs the following initialization code in ~/.zshrc
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
Then, install a Python 3 version:
pyenv install 3.10.6
Create a new virtualenv:
pyenv virtualenv 3.10.6 neovim
Activate it temporarily in your shell session:
pyenv activate neovim
Install the required Python package:
pip install pynvim
Then add this to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
let g:python3_host_prog=expand('~/.pyenv/versions/neovim/bin/python')
Random tips #
Documentation #
:help g
:help motion.txt
:help spell.txt
:help user-manual
:help visual.txt
Surround text #
Functionality from vim-surround, which also works in VS Code (with VSCodeVim):
v # Enter visual mode
<visually select> # Use the keyboard to select the section of text
s # Press upper case S
" # Specify what you want to surround the visual selection with
Visual-block mode #
This works like (and implemented with) multi-cursors in other editors (see VS Code (archive)).
to enter visual-block mode- Select block
(capital letter) to enter insert mode<Esc>
to exit insert mode
Copy & Paste #
is for cut,y
is for copy,p
are for paste
Normally one uses the clipboard register to cut, copy and paste, which is *
So "*y
copies to the system clipboard, and "*p
pastes from that clipboard.
To activate the system clipboard for copy and pasting with the “unnamed” register, add this to .vimrc
set clipboard+=unnamed
Fold / Unfold #
: foldzo
: unfoldzM
: fold allzR
: unfold all
Go to … #
: go to definitiongx
: open linkCtrl+O
: jump back to last position
Vimdiff #
: Get changes from other window into the current windowdp
: Put the changes from current window into the other window.]c
: Jump to the next change.[c
: Jump to the previous change.Ctrl W + Ctrl W
: Switch to the other split window.
Record macros #
- to record macros:
- pressing
starts recording in registera
- pressing
again stops recording
- pressing
- to view recorded macros:
- to play the macro once:
plays the macro in registera
- to repeat the macro execution:
LazyVim setup #
The following tips assume LazyVim.
Shortcuts #
Search for files:
Search text in files:
View list of errors and warnings reported in project:
Switch to window:
Ctrl-w + h/j/k/l
Close current window:
Ctrl-w + q
Open link at cursor:
Go to definition at cursor:
Go back: