Generic IOApp alternative

| 1 minute | Comments

This is a simple and generic IOApp and TaskApp replacement. For those instances in which you want to work with F[_] and not IO or Task, even in main apps.


import cats.effect._
import monix.catnap.SchedulerEffect

abstract class PureApp[F[_]](implicit protected val F: Async[F]) { self =>
  protected def runtime: Resource[SyncIO, EffectRuntime[F]]
  protected def effect(implicit r: EffectRuntime[F]): ConcurrentEffect[F]
  protected implicit def timer(implicit F: Concurrent[F], r: EffectRuntime[F]): Timer[F] = r.timer

  def run(args: List[String])(implicit
    F: ConcurrentEffect[F],
    r: EffectRuntime[F]
  ): F[ExitCode]

  final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val (res, cancel) = runtime.allocated.unsafeRunSync()
    implicit val r = res
    try {
      new CustomIOApp()(effect(r), r).main(args)
    } finally {

  private final class CustomIOApp(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F], runtime: EffectRuntime[F])
    extends IOApp {

    override protected implicit def contextShift: ContextShift[IO] =
    override protected implicit def timer: Timer[IO] =
    override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =

object PureApp {
  abstract class ForIO extends PureApp[IO] {
    override final def effect(implicit r: EffectRuntime[IO]): ConcurrentEffect[IO] =


abstract class MyGenericApp[F[_]: Async] extends PureApp[F] {
  def run(args: List[String])(implicit
    F: ConcurrentEffect[F],
    r: EffectRuntime[F]
  ): F[ExitCode] = {
    for {
      name <- Sync[F].delay(
      _    <- Timer[F].sleep(1.second)
      _    <- Sync[F].delay(println(s"Hello, $name"))
    } yield {

 * Actual main implementation that the JVM can recognize.
object MyApp extends MyGenericApp[IO] {
  override def runtime: Resource[SyncIO, EffectRuntime[F]] = 
  override def effect(implicit r: EffectRuntime[F]) = 
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Tags: Cats Effect | FP | Scala | Snippet