Crawling the Android Marketplace

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I had a very specific need for fetching the details for some apps in the Android marketplace, in an automated manner. Here I'm describing a script that I used to crawl the marketplace back in 2011.

UPDATE (2019-12-18): this is an old article, the script I used no longer works, but it can still be a good starting point for building your own web crawler.

First I found the supermarket gem, a wrapper for the Android Market API Java implementation. However, it gives unpredictable results (it wouldn’t return the details of our in-house apps or of many other examples I tried) and Google is placing hard-limits on the number of requests you can make per minute. This is an internal API, probably used by the marketplace client and the implementation mentioned above was created through reverse-engineering.

This really pissed me off, this is Google, they should grok APIs. But this info is already available from their website and so I went ahead and crawled it.

The script and the data collected are is available. Read below.

How To Do it By Yourself #

The actual script that I created can be found in the AndroidMarketCrawler GitHub Repository, with the relevant files being:

  • - source code with lots of comments, it’s really not complicated, you should go read it
  • marketplace_database.json_lines.bz2 - compressed file containing the details of the crawled apps, one per each line; this is not a proper JSON file, you use it by reading it line by line, where each line represents a JSON object (personal preference, as otherwise the file is pretty big and you can run out of memory)

UPDATE: The Android Marketplace explicitly bans crawling apparently. This crawler and associated data only serves educational purposes. Don’t abuse it.

for app in AndroidMarketCrawler(concurrency=10):
    # app is at this point a dictionary with the details needed, like
    #  id, name, developer name, number of installs, etc...
    fh.write(json.dumps(app) + "\n")

I used the Python programming language, along with Eventlet for fetching URLs in parallel (async I/O with epoll/libevent, providing you with coroutines support and green threads) and PyQuery for selecting DOM elements using CSS3 selectors (instead of XPath or BeautifulSoup). If you fancy Ruby instead, you could use slight equivalents such as em-http-request and Nokogiri.

So you start fetching content from a root and add application links as you encounter them in a queue. We are then using a (green) threadpool to start fetching jobs for each of the links in the queue. So it’s recursive. The results are also pushed in another queue, ready to be consumed by the client.

Be careful though, don’t abuse this, as it will generate a ton of traffic and your IP may end up being banned by Google. It also takes a lot of time; with good bandwidth and a VPS located in California, it still took me 5 hours for the script to finish. Don’t abuse the concurrency settings either, 10 is enough.

155,200 Apps Available From the US #

You have to realize that this number is only approximate. Apps are going strong in other countries, such as South Korea and Google does Geo-IP filtering, which means some of the apps were unavailable to me, depending on restrictions set by their developers.

The numbers published by Research2Guidance in October tell the story of 500,000 apps published on the Marketplace. But this gets weird, as I took the number of downloads from those 155,200 apps and it matches the number of downloads published by Google this month. See below.

An Average of 13.63 Billion Downloads #

So there have been between 5,514,202,281 and 21,545,335,515 downloads for free apps, making the average 13,529,768,898 downloads.

More interesting however is that according to my data for paid apps, the number of downloads is between 42,576,311 and 164,116,615. This number seems rather low to me, making it clear that Android distribution is freemium based.

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Tags: Python | Android | Web | API